Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Gossip or Truth? This is pulling at my Robsten heartstrings!

I am so confused by all of this Rob and Kristen stuff. One day, they are reported to be back together. The next day, they are fighting all over again. It seems that nobody really knows what is going on, but I hope at least Rob and Kristen do!

Today, the story is that they have moved back in together (momentarily) and Rob is giving Kristen four weeks to prove that she wants to be faithful, and that she WILL be faithful.

Well, let me tell you, these rumors are taking me on an emotional roller coaster. My heart can't take it!

"Sources" are saying that Rob will never be able to forgive and forget, but he is going to use this next month as a trial period for moving on from what happened and trying to make the relationship work.

Although I know that it is bad to take someone back from cheating, my little Robsten-loving heart just wants them to be happy together. Not apart. Haha.

I need to see them on the red carpet together for the premiere of Breaking Dawn: Part 2. I just have to. And so do the other millions of fans of the Twilight Saga.

It's the end of the Twilight Saga era, and as the Fifty Shades era begins, I just want to know that Rob and Kristen are ok.

Some people are calling this whole thing a publicity stunt just to make Rob and Kristen's other movies do well. Well, if it indeed was/is a stunt, it worked out in their favor, because Rob's Cosmopolis premiere and Kristen's On the Road premiere both had good turnouts, but whether people were actually coming to support the films or just wanting to catch a glimpse of them single still remains in question.

All I can say is this: the final film of the saga is coming out in November, and with the whole "FOREVER" thing that goes along with Bella and Edward's story, OF COURSE fans want to see the two together at the end of the saga.

It's almost like, if they got back together just in time for this last premiere, whether they broke up afterward or not, we could almost pretend they went running toward the sunset, hand in hand, and stayed together forever, happily ever after (even if they don't, this is what I would tell myself every day).

Besides, I want one last picture of them on the red carpet, Rob whispering sweet nothings into Kristen's ear that make her all fidgety and Taylor Lautner all uncomfortable. Because that's the only real thing the fans have to hold on to after the movies are over!

But why are people so emotionally invested in this couple?

For me, I think it is just because I read the Twilight books, watched the movies, and watched as the two main characters fell in love awkwardly and "secretly." It's like your favorite story is coming to life in reality. It's just the principle that these two very real people fell in love while they were immersed in this very fantasy story.

It's like a fairy tale.

Don't think I lead an unhealthy life full of obsession with these two. It's perfectly normal, I did the exact same thing when I found out Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams were dating in real life after they filmed The Notebook. And I cried when they broke up as well.

Anyways, the whole point of this post was to tell fellow Robsten fans that IT'S OK to want Rob and Kristen back together, even if it is for your own selfish reasons.

316 News: Countdown to "Red" begins on GMA

It's the last week in September and that only means that one of the most memorable months of my life is about to begin: I am turning 21 and Taylor Swift's fourth album is coming out. 

As the number of weeks decrease between me and that sure-to-be-wonderful album, there is a countdown that is just starting. 

ABC News reports about the big debut of Taylor's album Red, and how Good Morning America plans to release a new song off of the album every Monday until the album comes out on Oct. 22. 

This Monday, 30 seconds of the first song was released on GMA, preceded by a message from Taylor herself. The song was then available for download on iTunes at midnight. 

The song released was called “Begin Again,” a country ballad about beginning a new relationship after a bad breakup. It became the number one single, surpassing “Gangnam Style” (thank GOD). 

ABC News doesn't really say much besides the schedule of releasing the 30 second piece of the songs, and they don't tell the title of the songs. This article really didn't have much to it.

Although I don't really find anything wrong with the article, I believe the headline is WAY too long: “Good Morning America” Exclusive: Taylor Swift Launches Red Album Release With 4-Week Song Preview Countdown – Exclusively on ABC’s “Good Morning America.”

They also use the word Exclusive(ly) twice in the headline. 

Source: Abc News

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

316 News: Website reads way too much into Kristen Stewart

According to (seriously?), Kristen Stewart is "too real to shill cosmetics, but not too real to shill Balenciaga Perfume."

In a post written today, Sept. 19, "Amy Grindhouse" (is that really her name?) provides a menagerie of Kristen Stewart's quotes on creativity and being real, and goes on to say how Stewart sold herself out by becoming Balenciaga's newest model for their perfume "Florabotanica."

"I would never do a makeup campaign, even though the [final] photos with me would probably look good. Thank you, but it doesn't interest me," Kristen said in Glamour magazine.

Amy Grindhouse discusses Kristen's statement and how while Kristen is too good for makeup campaigns, she has no problem with perfume campaigns.

I am still sitting here trying to understand why this calls for a story on the matter.

While I understand blogs and gossip sites have to find things to write about (which I am doing as I write this), I really don't get how they come across something and make it into a story that nobody really seems to care about.

You know that if I am saying that someone is too wound up in Kristen Stewart, then they are too wound up in Kristen Stewart. 

While I was surprised to see Kristen endorsing a perfume (it just doesn't seem like something she would take out the time for), I am happy she did. I enjoy seeing her grace the pages of a magazine that doesn't have anything to do about the latest scandal or how "bad" of an actress she is (by the way, she's not. Check out The Cake Eaters and The Yellow Handkerchief, or On the Road --out this fall).

I can see the difference between doing a perfume campaign and makeup campaign. It's all about beauty and looking freshly done everywhere you go when you're involved with a makeup brand. And I'll agree that Kristen Stewart just doesn't care about that stuff all that much right now.

When you are endorsing a perfume --well, what DOES happen?

I'll tell you: it means you will have some no-name website comment on your choices of endorsement and pull out a bunch of quotes from your past interviews that have nothing to relate or add to the discussion at hand. Exhibit A: Amy Grindhouse uses Stewart's quote from an interview about the end of the Twilight saga: "I'm relieved. Not that it's finally over but that we told a story from beginning to end."

Besides their use of quotes that totally lack relation to the rest of the story, this article just doesn't really jump out as something a reader would be interested in, unless they absolutely are obsessed with hating Kristen Stewart and want to find even the smallest reason to hate her or they really didn't find anything else going on in the news about Taylor Swift and Twilight and had to resort to this article.

I hope next week will result in some better news for which which I can give my thoughts.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Breaking Dawn Part 2: The final installment of the Twilight Saga

Last Friday, Sept. 7, was both the day all Twihards* have been waiting for and the day we have all been dreading.

The official trailer for Breaking Dawn Part 2, the final installment of the Twilight Saga. Which means, after this, it's over. Or is it?

Before even commenting, I will provide it below.


I cannot WAIT for this final movie. There is SO MUCH I wanna see!
1. Bella waking up and living her first moments as a vampire.
2. Realizing she's stronger than Edward.
3. The first hunt. (!!!)
4. When she finds out Jacob imprinted on Renesmee. That is gonna be the best. part. ever.
5. When all the vampire clans come and they are showing each other their powers.

One of the most interesting parts to see is going to be when the Cullens (assisted by all the other clans) battle with the Volturi, considering that didn't even happen in the book.

Lastly, I am ready to see the ending. Kristen Stewart has said it makes her cry every time.

I have to see the ending.

So, who's with me? Midnight showing is November 15.

Can't wait!

TERMS TO KNOW (for you newbies):
*Twihard: a die-hard Twilight fan.

316 News: Taylor Swift Stands Up 2 Cancer

Taylor Swift proved herself to be America's Sweetheart yet again when she performed an intimate song at Stand Up 2 Cancer on Sept. 7.

"Ronan" became the number one song on iTunes for a few hours after the Stand Up 2 Cancer program aired Friday. 

Taylor Swift wrote "Ronan" about three-year-old Ronan Thompson, a little boy who suffered with neuroblastoma until he died just three days short of his fourth birthday in May 2011. 

Taylor came across the blog that Ronan's mother, Maya, updated periodically to log the progress of her son's cancer treatments. The blog contained stories about Ronan and the emotions Maya went through on a daily basis.

Taylor wrote the song using the blogposts Maya wrote, full of the intimate details and "memories of Ronan and the pain of losing him."

Taylor called Maya a few days before Stand Up 2 Cancer, and asked Maya if she could sing a song for Ronan. Maya said yes.  

NY Daily News reports on Maya's reaction to Taylor's performance. 

"It was very emotional, a lot of tears," Maya said. 

"I had a hard time focusing on the words that were coming out of her mouth, because I was focusing on the emotion in her face." 

Taylor Swift ended the song with an eyeful of tears, truly touched by the story of the blue-eyed boy. 

Apparently every one else was touched as well, because "Ronan" soon shot up to be the number one song on iTunes for a few hours after the performance. While this is good news for Taylor Swift and her management, it proves to be even better news for others. 

NY Daily News says the proceeds from the sales will go to cancer charities. 

While I already believe Taylor Swift is amazing, Maya Thompson elaborates.

"...making people aware is amazing," Thompson said. "It's nice to see a celebrity use their star power in really positive ways."

I really enjoyed this article because while it highlighted a Taylor Swift song that WASN'T about romance and break-ups, it showed that Taylor Swift can write deep songs as well, and she is finally being recognized for it. 

It is important to shine a light on artists that are doing good things with their fame and popularity, and Taylor Swift definitely uses her powers for good. 


Want to read more? Click here.


Wednesday, September 5, 2012

316 NEWS: Perez Hilton can't play nice with Kristen Stewart

As much as I love to read gossip sites (hence, the subject of this blog) like Perez Hilton, I have to admit most of the material is hogwash, and the writers change their minds more than an indecisive college student changes majors.

In a post on Perez Hilton today, the writer supports Kristen Stewart as she is about to make her first public appearance since the huge cheating scandal broke out over a month ago. (If you do not know about the cheating scandal, I have two questions for you: 1- What rock have you been living under? and 2- How are you viewing this blog without internet service?)

In the post, the writer is supporting Kristen as she is stepping out into the spotlight on Sept. 6 to promote her new film On the Road. While I am ecstatic that the website chose to speak nicely about Kristen during this stressful time, I am also frustrated that they have forgotten their former opinions of her.

The article states, "'ve got a bright career ahead of you if you're strong enough to forge through it [all]!"

Not only do they seem to be supporting her, but they also admit Kristen will continue to have a successful career after all of this drama has been forgotten.

While this is all good and dandy, the writer seems to have switched Perez Hilton's stance on the whole Kristen Stewart ordeal.

Perez Hilton's posts about Kristen Stewart have been both mean and almost slanderous ever since she was caught cheating on her longtime boyfriend (and co-star) Robert Pattinson. There have been numerous snubs towards Kristen included in the website's basic news articles. 

In a post dated Aug. 17, the website slammed Kristen for not attending the London premiere of On the Road, asking why she could be so "careless" with her "precarious (as of now) career!" The article goes on to say she "sliced the head off the chicken that was her rising stardom."

If you do a search on the Robsten cheating scandal, you can also find posts about the affair dripping with venom talking about Kristen.

Either you are team Kristen and support her, or you stay closed-minded and continue to state your true opinions, Perez! Why think about others' feelings now?

Perez Hilton seems to be as immature as they come, so maybe I should just boycott his site altogether. It seems his overused backstabbing comments are so not funny anymore, and he's always been quite the asshole critic.

If you would like to see this article for yourself, follow this link.