Wednesday, September 19, 2012

316 News: Website reads way too much into Kristen Stewart

According to (seriously?), Kristen Stewart is "too real to shill cosmetics, but not too real to shill Balenciaga Perfume."

In a post written today, Sept. 19, "Amy Grindhouse" (is that really her name?) provides a menagerie of Kristen Stewart's quotes on creativity and being real, and goes on to say how Stewart sold herself out by becoming Balenciaga's newest model for their perfume "Florabotanica."

"I would never do a makeup campaign, even though the [final] photos with me would probably look good. Thank you, but it doesn't interest me," Kristen said in Glamour magazine.

Amy Grindhouse discusses Kristen's statement and how while Kristen is too good for makeup campaigns, she has no problem with perfume campaigns.

I am still sitting here trying to understand why this calls for a story on the matter.

While I understand blogs and gossip sites have to find things to write about (which I am doing as I write this), I really don't get how they come across something and make it into a story that nobody really seems to care about.

You know that if I am saying that someone is too wound up in Kristen Stewart, then they are too wound up in Kristen Stewart. 

While I was surprised to see Kristen endorsing a perfume (it just doesn't seem like something she would take out the time for), I am happy she did. I enjoy seeing her grace the pages of a magazine that doesn't have anything to do about the latest scandal or how "bad" of an actress she is (by the way, she's not. Check out The Cake Eaters and The Yellow Handkerchief, or On the Road --out this fall).

I can see the difference between doing a perfume campaign and makeup campaign. It's all about beauty and looking freshly done everywhere you go when you're involved with a makeup brand. And I'll agree that Kristen Stewart just doesn't care about that stuff all that much right now.

When you are endorsing a perfume --well, what DOES happen?

I'll tell you: it means you will have some no-name website comment on your choices of endorsement and pull out a bunch of quotes from your past interviews that have nothing to relate or add to the discussion at hand. Exhibit A: Amy Grindhouse uses Stewart's quote from an interview about the end of the Twilight saga: "I'm relieved. Not that it's finally over but that we told a story from beginning to end."

Besides their use of quotes that totally lack relation to the rest of the story, this article just doesn't really jump out as something a reader would be interested in, unless they absolutely are obsessed with hating Kristen Stewart and want to find even the smallest reason to hate her or they really didn't find anything else going on in the news about Taylor Swift and Twilight and had to resort to this article.

I hope next week will result in some better news for which which I can give my thoughts.

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